Chapter II
On the piercing of the eyes of Chyavana Muni
1. Janamejaya said :-- “O Highly Fortunate One! Kindly narrate in detail the spread of the families of those kings in the Solar line who were born and who were especially endowed with the knowledge of Dharma.”
2-8. Vyâsa said :-- O Bharata! I now speak to you exactly what I heard of yore, from Nârada, the best of the Risis, how the Solar race spread. Once, on an occasion, the Muni S'rîmân Nârada, on his tour, came at his will to my holy hermitage on the beautiful banks of the Sarasvatî river. On seeing him I bowed down at his feet and then remained standing before him. I then gave him a seat and worshipped him with great esteem. I then said to him :-- “O Best of Munis! You are worshipped by the whole universe; my retreat is sanctified by your coming. O All-knowing One! Kindly narrate the histories of the Kings that were famous in the family of the seventh Manu; they were unequalled as far as their origin was concerned and their diameters as well were wonderful. Therefore I am very eager to know, in detail, the history of the Solar race. O Muni! Describe shortly or in detail as the circumstances may require.” O King! When I made this question, Nârada, the knower of the Highest Reality, gladly smiled, and, addressing me, began to describe the history of the Solar race.